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    【發(fā)布日期】:2005-03-10  【來源】:

    TI: Nonvolatile taste components of ear mushrooms.

    AU: Mau-JengLeun; Wu-KaunTzer; Wu-YuHsin; Lin-YenPin

    SO: Journal-of-Agricultural-and-Food-Chemistry. 1998, 46: 11, 4583-4586; 19 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Non-volatile taste components of Auricularia fuscosuccinea (brown and white strains), A. mesenteria [A. mesenterica], A. polytricha and Tremella fuciformis were determined. Ash contents ranged from 2.05 to 6.14% dry weight. Carbohydrate contents ranged from 68.88 to 88.14%. Both A. fuscosuccinea strains contained high amounts of crude fat (4.48 and 4.54%, respectively) and high amounts of crude fibre (11.69 and 8.51%, respectively). Crude protein contents were high in A. mesenteria and the white strain of A. fuscosuccinea (15.46 and 12.53%, respectively). All species contained very low amounts of soluble sugars but high amounts of other reducing sugars. Total free amino acid contents ranged from 0.53 to 1.24 mg/g. Contents of monosodium glutamate-like components ranged from 0.05 to 0.34 mg/g. Contents of sweet-tasting components ranged from 0.17 to 0.50 mg/g. Bitter component content was high in T. fuciformis. Total contents of 5'-nucleotides ranged from 0.69 to 5.39 mg/g. Flavour 5'-nucleotide contents were high in both strains of A. fuscosuccinea. The 5 types of fungi were considerably different in both their proximate compositions and taste components.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 990303019

    TI: Conjugates of Tremella polysaccharides with microbeads and their TNF-stimulating activity.

    AU: Gao-QiPin; Berntzen-G; Jiang-RuiZhi; Killie-MK; Seljelid-R; Gao-WP; Jiang-RZ

    SO: Planta-Medica. 1998, 64: 6, 551-554; 20 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: A mannan (A) and a heteroglycan (D) were prepared by partial acidic hydrolysis of T3, a major polysaccharide fraction of the fungus T. fuciformis. Methylation analysis of A and D showed that they contained a 13 linked mannosyl main chain, to which were linked different side chains at positions 2, 4 or 6 of the mannosyl residues. A and D were conjugated to albumin microbeads (AM) by reductive amination. The conjugates showed significant cytokine-stimulating activity in vitro whereas unconjugated AM had no activity. Not conjugated A and D showed cytokine-stimulating activity at high concentrations (100-fold those of conjugated compounds).

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 980310638

    TI: An orthogonal screening test on liquid fermentation medium of white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) spores.

    AU: Wang-GuoLian; Chen-LiGuo; Chen-Ming; Wang-GL; Chen-LG; Chen-M

    SO: Edible-Fungi-of-China. 2001, 20: 1, 26-28; 4 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    AB: In an orthogonal test for screening the liquid fermentation media for the culture of white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) spores (WFS), a suspension of the spores at a dose of 105 cells/ml was inoculated at 0.1 ml onto 9 media containing glucose, sucrose, peptone, wheat bran, (NH4)2SO4, MgSO4 and KH2PO4. The 9 media were formulated according to the orthogonal table L9 (34) with 4 factors, i. e., carbon sources (A) namely glucose and sucrose, nitrogen sources (B) namely peptone and (NH4)2SO4, wheat bran (C) and mineral elements (D) namely MgSO4 and KH2 PO4, at 3 levels. Variance analysis indicated that significant differences were noted in the growth increment of WFS among the 9 media (P < 0.01), and among 3 media for B (P < 0.01) or D (P < 0.05). The formula of the medium for the growth and multiplication of WFS was optimized as glucose 20 g, peptone 1 g, wheat bran 25 g, (NH4)2SO4 0.75 g, MgSO4 0.25 g, KH2PO4 0.5 g and distilled water 1000 ml.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 20013153972

    TI: Preliminary study on polarity in Tremella fuciformis.

    AU: Chen-Ming; Chen-LiGuo; Wang-GuoLian; Chen-M; Chen-LG; Wang-GL

    SO: Journal-of-Huazhong-Agricultural-University. 2000, 19: 2, 138-141; 6 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    LS: English

    AB: Twenty-eight single-spore isolates were collected from T. fuciformis from Gutian in Fujian, China. Mating reactions were observed and their genetic control was investigated.

    GE: China-; Fujian-

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 20013150093

    TI: Biology, life table and host specificity of the mushroom pest, Brennandania lambi (Acari: Pygmephoroidea).

    AU: Gao-JianRong; Zou-Ping; Gao-JR; Zou-P

    SO: Experimental-and-Applied-Acarology. 2001, 25: 3, 187-202; 15 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Biology and life table parameters of B. lambi were studied at different temperature while feeding on white mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) mycelium cultured on mushroom compost. The duration of egg and larval development, preoviposition and oviposition period, female longevity and the time to 50% mortality declined as temperature increased from 16 to 28C. The threshold temperature of development (female) was 9C and the thermal constant for completion of development (female) was 195 day-degrees. At 16, 20, 24 and 28C, the total fecundity (eggs per female) was 71, 67, 66 and 57, respectively, and the daily fecundity rate (eggs per female per day) was 5.6, 8.7, 8.7 and 9.1, respectively. The sex ratio (female per male) ranged from 1.9 to 2.1 at 16-28C. At 16, 20, 24 and 28C, the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.11, 0.18, 0.22 and 0.27, respectively, and the population doubling time was 6.1, 3.9, 3.2 and 2.5 days, respectively. All life stages of the mite died when exposed to 35C constant temperature for 24 h, or to 32C constant temperature for 12 days or to 31-35C (average 32.9C) ambient temperature for 4 days. B. lambi completed its development only when fed on A. bisporus mycelium growing on mushroom compost. It could not survive on mushroom mycelia of Auricularia auricula, A. polytricha, Ganoderma lucidum, Hericium erinaceus, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus ostreatus, P. sajor-caju and Tremella fuciformis.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 20013124024

    TI: Effects of Tremella polysaccharide on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in murine splenocytes.

    AU: Cui-JY; Lin-ZB

    SO: Acta-Pharmaceutica-Sinica. 1997, 32: 8, 561-564; 8 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    LS: English

    AB: Effects of Tremella polysaccharides (TP) isolated from Tremella fuciformis on the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration in murine splenocytes were observed using Fura-2/AM, a fluorescence indicator. TP increased the cytoplasmic free calcium concentration of Fura-2-loaded murine splenocytes in a concentration-dependent manner and showed synergism with concanavalin A. No effect on the release of intracellular calcium was found without extracellular calcium. Verapamil (10 g/ml), a calcium channel blocker, was shown to inhibit the effect of TP on cytoplasmic free calcium, indicating that TP can affect the influx of extracellular calcium.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 980302283

    TI: Characterization and cytokine-stimulating activities of acidic heteroglycans from Tremella fuciformis.

    AU: Gao-QiPin; Killie-MK; Chen-HuiChun; Jiang-ReiZhi; Seljelid-R; Gao-QP; Chen-HC; Jiang-RZ

    SO: Planta-Medica. 1997, 63: 5, 457-460; 23 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Four acidic heteroglycans, T2a-T2d, were isolated from the fruiting body of T. fuciformis, cultivated in Fujian Province, China. They contained 1.9-2.9 % of acetyl groups and were composed of mannose (Man), glucuronic acid (GlcA), and small amounts of xylose, glucose and fucose. According to methylation analysis they had a mannan backbone consisting of 3-linked Man, and side chains containing glucosyl, mannosyl, fucosyl, xylosyl and GlcA residues. The side chains were attached through O-2, O-4 or O-6 in about 40% of backbone mannosyl residues. MWs of the 4 polysaccharides were 410, 250, 34 and 20 kDa, respectively. T2a-T2d induced human monocytes to produce interleukin-1 (IL-1), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor (TNF) in vitro. The products of Smith degradation (T2a-S) and lithium degradation (T2a-L) of T2a and the product of deacetylation (T2b-D) of T2b also induced monocytes to secrete IL-1 as efficiently as the original polysaccharides, indicating that xylosyl and GlcA residues as well as acetyl groups were not important to promote the cytokine-stimulating activity.

    GE: China-

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 970310757

    TI: Characterisation of acidic heteroglycans from Tremella fuciformis Berk with cytokine stimulating activity.

    AU: Gao-QiPin; Seljelid-R; Chen-HuiQun; Jiang-ReiZhi; Gao-QP; Chen-HQ; Jiang-RZ

    SO: Carbohydrate-Research. 1996, 288: 135-142; 23 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Four kinds of acidic heteroglycan, T3a-T3d, were isolated from the body of the fungus T. fuciformis. The molecular weights of T3a-T3d were 550, 420, 55, and 48 kDa, respectively. Glycosidic linkage analysis showed that they had a mannan backbone consisting of 3-linked Man p, and side chains containing glucosyl, mannosyl, fucosyl, xylosyl, and glucuronic acid residues attached through O-2, O-4, or O-6 of about half of the backbone mannosyl residues. A partial acidic hydrolysate of T3a could be divided into a low-branching region (T3a-1, 2, 3, 4) mainly branched at the 2-position of 3-linked Man p in the mannan backbone, and a high-branching region (T3a-5A) branched at the 2,4- or 2,4,6-positions of 3-linked Man p in the backbone. The low-branching region, which is predominant in the backbone, was substituted with non-reducing terminal Glc pA, Fuc p and short side chains consisting of (16)-linked Glc p and (12)-linked Man p linked through C-2 of the mannan backbone. The high-branching region, which is a minor component of the backbone, was linked with long side chains of (16)-linked Glc p and (14)-linked Glc pA in their branching points. T3a-T3d were able to induce human monocytes to produce interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and tumour necrosis factor in vitro. The different fragments of the acidic hydrolysate of T3a (T3a-1, 2, 3, 4 and 5A) also induced monocytes to secret interleukin-6 with high potency, indicating that the activity may be caused by a common structure (13)-mannan in the 4 heteroglycans and their fragments. The change of molecular weight had no obvious influence on the activity of the heteroglycans.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 970303507

    TI: Free radical scavenging activities of mushroom polysaccharide extracts.

    AU: Liu-F; Ooi-VEC; Chang-ST

    SO: Life-Sciences. 1997, 60: 10, 763-771; 26 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: The superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities of 8 antitumour polysaccharide extracts (from Lentinus edodes [Lentinula edodes], Coriolus versicolor, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola umbellata, Volvariella volvacea, Tremella fuciformis, Tricholoma lobayense and Schizophyllum commune) were investigated using the phenazin methosulfate-NADH-nitroblue tetrazolium system and ascorbic acid-Cu2+-cytochrome C system, respectively. The results showed that 6 of the 8 polysaccharide extracts (all except those from L. edodes and S. commune) had superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging activities. The protein content of the polysaccharide extracts appeared to contribute a direct effect on free radical scavenging activity, extracts with a low polysaccharide:protein ratio showing the strongest scavenging activities. However, none of the polysaccharide extracts had antioxidative activity as measured by detecting malondialdehyde (MDA) contents of mouse liver microsomes.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 970304130

    TI: Characterization and cytokine stimulating activities of heteroglycans from Tremella fuciformis.

    AU: Gao-QiPin; Jiang-RuiZhi; Chen-HuiQun; Jensen-E; Seljelid-R; Gao-QP; Jiang-RZ; Chen-HQ

    SO: Planta-Medica. 1996, 62: 4, 297-302; 19 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: T. fuciformis, a traditional Chinese drug used as a tonic for weakness caused by illness and old age, has recently been shown to enhance the host immune function and have antitumour, hypoglycaemic and antigastric ulcer activities. Three heteroglycans, T1a, T1b and T1c, were isolated from the fruiting body of T. fuciformis, grown in Fujian Province, China. They were composed of mannose (Man), xylose, glucose, fucose and glucuronic acid (GlcA). According to methylation analysis and partial acidic hydrolysis the main chains of T1a, T1b, and T1c consisted of (13)-linked Man, which was branched at the 2, 4 or 6 positions. The branching points were linked with non-reducing terminal GlcA-residues or (16)-linked glucan-chains. Molecular weights of the 3 heteroglycans were 53 000, 18 000 and 12 000 D, respectively, but they underwent self-aggregation in water. T1a-T1c induced human monocytes to produce interleukin-1, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumour necrosis factor in vitro. Acidic hydrolysate fractions of T1a (T1a-1, 2, 3, 4, 5) with MWs from 53 000 to 1 000 D, also induced human monocytes to produce IL-6 as efficiently as T1a.

    GE: Fujian-; China-

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 960310668

    TI: The hypocholesterolemic effect of two edible mushrooms: Auricularia auricula (tree-ear) and Tremella fuciformis (White jelly-leaf) in hypercholesterolemic rats.

    AU: Cheung-PCK

    SO: Nutrition-Research. 1996, 16: 10, 1721-1725; 12 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: The effect of 2 edible mushrooms, namely Auricularia auricula (Tree-ear) and Tremella fuciformis (White jelly-leaf) of the Heterobasidiae, on serum and liver lipids, faecal neutral steroids and bile acid excretion was investigated in rats. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed on 2 semisynthetic hypercholesterolaemic diets (1.5% cholesterol, 5% fat) each containing 5% dried powder of the 2 mushrooms. After 4 weeks of mushroom diet consumption, the serum total cholesterol concentration was significantly decreased in A. auricula and T. fuciformis diet groups (17 and 19%, respectively). A similar significant decrease in serum LDL cholesterol level was observed (24 and 31%, respectively). There was no significant difference found in serum HDL cholesterol concentration and the amount of liver total cholesterol and total lipids among the 2 mushroom diet groups and the control group. Only rats fed on the T. fuciformis diet had a significant decrease in serum triacylglycerols. Rats fed on the A. auricula diet had a significant increase in the levels of faecal neutral steroids and bile acids by 39 and 46%, respectively. T. fuciformis diet also increased significantly the faecal excretion of neutral steroids and bile acids in rats by 51 and 36%, respectively. In this study, both mushrooms had effective hypocholesterolaemic activity in rats.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 961410670

    TI: Use of attractants in bait toxicants for the control of Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki in China.

    AU: Gao,-DR

    SO: Research-Extension-Series,-Hawaii-Institute-of-Tropical-Agriculture-and-Human-Resources. 1987, No. 083, 53-57; 3 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Fungi-decayed sawdusts were tested in the laboratory for their attractiveness to the rhinotermitid Coptotermes formosanus. The results showed that Tremella fuciformis-infected sawdust was the most attractive. Field trials of jellied bait formulation using sawdust infected by this fungus and another (Auricularia auricula), bagasse dust, agar and mirex were successful in the control of C. formosanus in China.

    GE: China-

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: K164337

    TI: Preliminary study of cellulolytic enzymes of higher basidiomycetes.

    AU: Chen,-Y; Li,-LN

    SO: Zhongguo-Shiyongjun-Edible-Fungi-of-China. 1987, No. 1, 7-9; 9 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    AB: Data on enzyme contents are tabulated for Agaricus bisporus, Pleurotus sapidus, P. florida, Hericium erinaceus, Polyporus versicolor [Coriolus versicolor], Ganoderma lucidum, G. capense, Lentinus edodes [Lentinula edodes], Collybia velutipes, Auricularia auricula, Armillariella tabescens [Armillaria tabescens], Tremella fuciformis, Marasmius androsaceus, Schizophyllum commune, Volvariella volvacea and a Trichoderma species.

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: C493083

    TI: A new toxic bait for the control of forest-infesting termites.

    AU: Gao,-DR; Zhu,-BZ; Gan,-BR; He,-SS; Yuan,-SX

    SO: Journal-of-Nanjing-Institute-of-Forestry. 1985, No. 3, 128-131; 3 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    LS: English

    AB: A toxic bait for controlling Odontotermes fontanellus, Macrotermes barneyi and Reticulitermes flaviceps was made with rotten sawdust infected by Tremella fuciformis and Auricularia auricula as an attractant.

    GE: China-

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: F203370

    TI: Protein, amino acids and some major and trace elements in Thai and Norwegian mushrooms.

    AU: Surinrut,-P; Julshamn,-K; Njaa,-LR

    SO: Plant-Foods-for-Human-Nutrition. 1987, 37: 2, 117-125; 23 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Six edible Thai mushroom species were analysed for protein, protein digestibility in vitro, amino acids and major and trace elements. The results for protein and amino acids are discussed relative to the contents in Thai rice. The contents of mineral elements showed great variation, in agreement with literature data. Two samples (Hunukao, Tremella fuciformis and Hom, Lentinula edodes) were rich in calcium and one (Phang, Volvariella volvacea) was rich in iron and copper. For comparison results for samples of edible mushrooms obtained in Norway are included.

    GE: Thailand-; Norway-

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: N982103

    TI: An orthogonal screening test on liquid fermentation medium of white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) spores.

    AU: Wang-GuoLian; Chen-LiGuo; Chen-Ming; Wang-GL; Chen-LG; Chen-M

    SO: Edible-Fungi-of-China. 2001, 20: 1, 26-28; 4 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    AB: In an orthogonal test for screening the liquid fermentation media for the culture of white fungus (Tremella fuciformis) spores (WFS), a suspension of the spores at a dose of 105 cells/ml was inoculated at 0.1 ml onto 9 media containing glucose, sucrose, peptone, wheat bran, (NH4)2SO4, MgSO4 and KH2PO4. The 9 media were formulated according to the orthogonal table L9 (34) with 4 factors, i. e., carbon sources (A) namely glucose and sucrose, nitrogen sources (B) namely peptone and (NH4)2SO4, wheat bran (C) and mineral elements (D) namely MgSO4 and KH2 PO4, at 3 levels. Variance analysis indicated that significant differences were noted in the growth increment of WFS among the 9 media (P < 0.01), and among 3 media for B (P < 0.01) or D (P < 0.05). The formula of the medium for the growth and multiplication of WFS was optimized as glucose 20 g, peptone 1 g, wheat bran 25 g, (NH4)2SO4 0.75 g, MgSO4 0.25 g, KH2PO4 0.5 g and distilled water 1000 ml.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 20013153972

    TI: A study on the amino acid contents of edible mushrooms.

    AU: Pyo-MY; Ro-IH

    SO: Korean-Journal-of-Nutrition. 1975, 8: 1, 47-59.

    LA: Korean

    LS: English

    AB: Amino acids, 5 of the 22 found being unknown, were estimated in Agaricus campestris (2 species), Pholiota nameko, Auricularia auricula-judae, Tremella fuciformis, Tricholoma matsutake, Pleurotus ostrectus, Lentinus edodes, Ramaria botyritis, Coprinus cematus and Gyrophora esculenta. Values are tabulated for free and bound amino acids.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 751437070

    TI: Comparative structural studies on acidic heteropolysaccharides isolated from "Shirokikurage" fruit body of Tremella fuciformis Berk, and the growing culture of its yeast-like cells.

    AU: Kakuta-M; Sone-Y; Umeda-T; Misaki-A

    SO: Agricultural-and-Biological-Chemistry. 1979, 43: 8, 1659-1668; 15 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: Acidic heteropolysaccharides (D-glucurono-D-xylo-D-mannans) were isolated from the water- and alkaline extracts of the fruit body, and similar polysaccharides were isolated from the growth medium of the haploid cells of 2 strains of T. fuciformis cultured in sucrose or glucose-yeast extract medium. The extracellular polysaccharides contained D-glucuronic acid, D-xylose and D-mannose and small proportions of L-fucose and O-acetyl groups. Both fruit body and extracellular polysaccharides were built up of a alpha -(1 'right arrow' 3)-linked D-mannan backbone chain to which beta -linked D-glucuronic acid and single or short chains of beta -(1 'right arrow' 2)-linked D-xylose residues were attached at the C-2 position.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 790380066

    TI: The sterol composition of Volvariella volvacea and other edible mushrooms.

    AU: Huang,-BH; Yung,-KH; Chang,-ST

    SO: Mycologia. 1985, 77: 6, 959-963; 14 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: The total lipid content of V. volvacea, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Tremella fuciformis, Lentinus edodes, Agaricus bisporus and Auricularia auricula ranged from 0.6 to 3.1% dry weight. Sterols were separated by chromatographic techniques and their structures determined by GLC, and spectroscopic methods (IR, UV, NMR, MS). Ergosterol (provitamin D2) was present in all mushrooms and ranged from 0.01% dry weight (T. fuciformis) to 0.47% (V. volvacea). In V. volvacea ergosterol content was higher at the mature stage than at the egg stage (0.54%, 0.39%, respectively) and cap content was higher than stalk content (0.63%, 0.27%, respectively). V. volvacea, P. sajor-caju and L. edodes also contained 24beta-methylcholesta-5,7-dien-3beta-ol (provitamin D4) and 24B-methylcholesta-7-en-3beta-ol (gamma-ergostenol).

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: C341941

    TI: Comparison of phenoloxidase activities during the cultivation of several basidiomycetes.

    AU: Tanabe,-N; Sagawa,-I; Ohtsubo,-K; Iijima,-Y; Yanagi,-SO

    SO: Agricultural-and-Biological-Chemistry. 1989, 53: 11, 3061-3063; 8 ref.

    LA: English

    AB: The species investigated included Pleurotus ostreatus, Tremella fuciformis, Lentinus [Lentinula] edodes, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Coriolus versicolor, Tyromyces palustris and Flammulina velutipes.

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: C128148

    TI: Fatty acid composition of Volvariella volvacea and other edible mushrooms.

    AU: Huang,-BH; Yung,-KH; Chang,-ST

    SO: Mushroom Science. Part II. Proceedings of the twelfth international congress on the science and cultivation of edible fungi. September 1987, Braunschweig, Germany. 1989, 533-540; 16 ref. Braunschweig, Germany; International Society for Mushroom Science.

    LA: English

    LS: German, French

    AB: The fatty acid compositions are reported for Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Tremella fuciformis, Lentinus [Lentinula] edodes, Agaricus bisporus and Auricularia auricula-judae [A. auricula].

    PT: Unnumbered-Part

    AN: C111768

    TI: Medicinally useful effects and composition of edible fungi.

    OT: Medizinisch nutzbare Wirkungen und Inhaltsstoffe von Speisepilzen.

    AU: Eisenhut,-R; Fritz,-D

    SO: Gartenbauwissenschaft. 1991, 56: 6, 266-270; 52 ref., 1 pl.

    LA: German

    LS: English

    AB: From a review of the literature, the medicinal properties of edible fungi are surveyed. These include effects on tumours, hypercholesterolaemia, viruses, the central nervous system, allergies and thrombosis. The species covered include Agaricus bisporus, Auricularia sp., Calvatia gigantea, Flammulina velutipes, Ganoderma lucidum, Grifola frondosa, Pleurotus sp., Pholiota sp., Tremella fuciformis, Tricholoma sp., Volvariella volvacea, Coprinus comatus, Lentinus [Lentinula] edodes, Hericium erinaceus, Schizophyllum commune, Polyporus umbellatus and Tricholoma populinum.

    PT: Numbered-Part

    AN: C182673

    TI: Special issue on mushrooms: the versatile fungus - food and medicinal properties. Chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and utilization.

    AU: Mizuno-T

    SO: Food-Reviews-International. 1995, 11: 1, 236 pp.; ref. at ends of individual papers.

    LA: English

    AB: This special issue is devoted to the medicinal properties of mushrooms. Papers reviewing particular aspects/species are presented in two sections. (1) Bioactivity and utilization of mushrooms. Papers are presented on the following subjects: Bioactive biomolecules of mushrooms: food function and medicinal effect of mushroom fungi; Antitumour-active substances from mushrooms; Mushroom lectins; Health foods and medicinal usages of mushrooms; and Biologically active components of poisonous mushrooms. (2) Biochemistry of edible and medicinal mushrooms. Papers on the following species (many of which have antitumour activity) are presented: Shiitake (Lentinus [Lentinula] edodes); Kofukisarunokoshikake (Ganoderma applanatum); Tsugasarunokoshikake (Fomitopsis pinicola); Maitake (Grifola frondosa); Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum and Ganoderma tsugae); Kawariharatake (Agaricus blazei); Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceum [H. erinaceus]); Ningyotake (Polyporus confluens); Houbitake (Pleurotus sajor-caju); Huangmo, Ohma (Hohenbuehelia serotina); Nireohma, Yuhuangmo (Pleurotus citrinopileatus); Niohshimeji (Tricholoma giganteum); Enokitake (Flammulina velutipes); Bunashimeji (Hypsizigus marmoreus); Kikurage (Auricularia auricula); Shirokikurage (Tremella fuciformis); Straw mushroom, Fukurotake (Volvariella volvacea); Kinugasatake (Dictyophora indusiata); and Tochukaso (Cordyceps spp.).

    PT: Miscellaneous

    AN: 950310821

    TI: Polysaccharides in fungi. XXXIII. Hypoglycemic activity of an acidic polysaccharide (AC) from Tremella fuciformis.

    AU: Kiho-T; Tsujimura-Y; Sakushima-M; Usui-S; Ukai-S

    SO: Yakugaku-Zasshi-=-Journal-of-the-Pharmaceutical-Society-of-Japan. 1994, 114: 5, 308-315; 25 ref.

    LA: Japanese

    LS: English

    AB: Glucuronoxylomannan (AC) from the fruiting bodies of T. fuciformis (administered i.p.) exhibited a significant dose-dependent hypoglycaemic activity in normal mice and also showed a significant activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. The activities of AC-derivatives, such as a product of AC which had the side chains removed, were lower than that of native AC. AC raised the plasma insulin level in normal mice and significantly increased the activities of hepatic hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, but decreased the activity of hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase. Furthermore, it reduced the glycogen content in the liver, increased the total lipid in epididymal adipose tissue, and lowered the plasma cholesterol level. Oral administration of a single dose of AC (50-300 mg/kg) did not affect the plasma glucose level in normal mice, but continuous oral administration of AC solution (0.75 g/litre), instead of water, for a prolonged period lowered plasma glucose level in mice injected once with streptozotocin (170 mg/kg, i.p.) on Day 0 of AC administration and in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 950301979

    TI: Polysaccharides in fungi. XXXIII. Hypoglycemic activity of an acidic polysaccharide (AC) from Tremella fuciformis.

    AU: Kiho-T; Tsujimura-Y; Sakushima-M; Usui-S; Ukai-S

    SO: Yakugaku-Zasshi-=-Journal-of-the-Pharmaceutical-Society-of-Japan. 1994, 114: 5, 308-315; 25 ref.

    LA: Japanese

    LS: English

    AB: Glucuronoxylomannan (AC) from the fruiting bodies of T. fuciformis (administered i.p.) exhibited a significant dose-dependent hypoglycaemic activity in normal mice and also showed a significant activity in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. The activities of AC-derivatives, such as a product of AC which had the side chains removed, were lower than that of native AC. AC raised the plasma insulin level in normal mice and significantly increased the activities of hepatic hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, but decreased the activity of hepatic glucose-6-phosphatase. Furthermore, it reduced the glycogen content in the liver, increased the total lipid in epididymal adipose tissue, and lowered the plasma cholesterol level. Oral administration of a single dose of AC (50-300 mg/kg) did not affect the plasma glucose level in normal mice, but continuous oral administration of AC solution (0.75 g/litre), instead of water, for a prolonged period lowered plasma glucose level in mice injected once with streptozotocin (170 mg/kg, i.p.) on Day 0 of AC administration and in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 950301979

    TI: Effect of tremella polysaccharide [from Tremella fuciformis] on IL-2 production by mouse splenocytes.

    AU: Ma-L; Lin-ZB

    SO: Acta-Pharmaceutica-Sinica. 1992, 27: 1, 1-4; 6 ref.

    LA: Chinese

    LS: English

    PT: Journal-article

    AN: 940303167

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