曾東方; 王卓仁; 羅信昌
【中文摘要】 平菇(Pleurotusostreatus)的母種(二級種)制種試驗,在接種箱內(nèi)分別使用500×10-6、1000×10-6、2000×10-6的強力安空間噴霧消毒處理,接種制作307瓶平菇母種,制種成功率依次為98保玻?。保埃埃?、100%。試驗在平菇的生料栽培中用殺菌劑拌料,生料栽培160袋,結果發(fā)現(xiàn)強力安未能抑制試驗條件下的雜菌生長,結果表明,以強力安拌料的防污效果低于對照藥劑多菌靈。另外,試驗還用3種濃度的強力安藥液分別拌料200kg,然后發(fā)酵,再床式栽培草菇(Volvarielavolvacea),未發(fā)現(xiàn)雜菌生長。但是出菇以后仍然出現(xiàn)少量木霉,說明強力安的時效較短。
【英文摘要】 In the test of preparing maternal spawn of Pleurotus ostreatus, 307 bottles of culture substratum were inoculated in the box sterilized by space spraying of fungicide Qiangli'an of 500×10-6, 1000×10-6,2000×10-6respectively. The success rates of spawn made were got to be 982%,100%,100% corresponding to the test above. In the test of cultivating P. ostreatus,160 bags of raw material were mixed with tested fungicides of 125×10-6, 250×10-6, 500×10-6, 1000×10-6, 2000×10-6. The results showed that fungicide Qiangli'an couldn't inhibit the microbial contamination more effectively than Carbendazim. In addition, 200kg raw material were mixed with Qiangli'an of 500×10-6, 1000×10-6, 2000×10-6 and then fermented to cultivate Chinese mushroom,Volvariella volvacea in beds. The results revealed that there existed fungicide effectivity for Qiangli'an.
【中文關鍵詞】 強力安; 制種; 拌料栽培; 食用菌
【英文關鍵詞】 Fungicide; Qiangli’an; Spawn; Cultivation; Edible fungi
【文獻出處】 中國食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,編輯部郵箱,1998年03期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1998-03-008