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    袁天鳳; 段彬; 邱道持; 何江
    西南大學資源環(huán)境學院; 四川內江七中生物教研組; 西南大學資源環(huán)境學院; 西南大學資源環(huán)境學院 重慶400716; 四川內江師范學院管理與資源系; 內江641110; 內江641000; 重慶400716; 重慶400716

    【中文摘要】 松茸的地理分布與生態(tài)研究是人工栽培和人工促繁的基礎工作,對資源的保護性開發(fā)利用具有重要的意義。介紹了松茸的名稱與分類位置及其四大價值。闡述了松茸在世界和我國的地理分布;探討了松茸的根際生態(tài)作用;分析了不同地理環(huán)境下不同種類松茸生長的獨特生態(tài)條件。在此基礎上提出將橫斷山區(qū)松茸生態(tài)研究作為今后的重點。

    【英文摘要】 The study on geographic distributing and ecology of Trichaloma matsutake(S.Ito et Imai)Sing is a basic work for planting and accelerating its propagating under manpower,for this study has significance to protect exploiting and making use of the resources of Trichaloma matstake This paper firstly introduces the names and class position of Trichaloma matstake,as well as its four types of worth.Then it describes Trichaloma matstake geographic distributing in China as well as in the world,probes into Trichaloma matstake,s ecologic work of rhizosphere and analyses the special ecologic conditions of different kinds of Trichaloma matstake under different geographic situations.Based on the study all above,it suggests that we should take the study of ecology of Trichaloma matstake in Henduan mountains as the key point in the near future.

    【中文關鍵詞】 根際; 外生菌根; 真菌; 資源
    【英文關鍵詞】 Rhizosphere; Ecotmycorrhiza; Fungus; Resources

    【文獻出處】 中國食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,編輯部郵箱,2006年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.2006-04-003

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