曾慶田; 趙軍寧; 鄧治文
四川省中藥研究所; 四川省中藥研究所; 四川省中藥研究所 重慶 630065; 重慶 630065; 重慶 630065
【中文摘要】 從金針菇培養(yǎng)液中提出的水溶性多糖對小鼠腫瘤S180等具有明顯的抗腫瘤活性。能使瘤組織壞死增加、糖元減少,與云芝多糖的療效相近。但對瘤組織的非特異酯酶的作用本品強(qiáng)于云芝多糖。
【英文摘要】 FVP is an extract of the culture of Flammulina velutipes, which dissolves in water. It is able to markedly inhibited the growth of tumor tissue in mice bearing sarcoma 180. The level of tumor tissue necrosis is increaseed. The level of glucogen is reduced. ANAE ase also is reduced. This effect of FVP is different from it of PSK.
【中文關(guān)鍵詞】 金針菇多糖; 云芝多糖; S180; 非特異酯酶
【文獻(xiàn)出處】 中國食用菌,Edible Fungi of China,編輯部郵箱,1991年02期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1991-02-004