【作者】 郝冊; 牛玉蓉; 陳青君; 劉雅; 謝書清;
【Author】 HAO Ce1,NIU Yurong1,CHEN Qingjun1,LIU Ya1,XIE Shuqing2(1College of Plant Science and Technology,Beijing University of Agriculture,Beijing Key Laboratory for Agricultural Applications and New Techniques,Beijing 102206,China;2Farming Cooperatives of Baoshan Town of Beijing Huairou District,Beijing 101411,China)
【機構】 北京農學院植物科學技術學院農業(yè)應用新技術北京市重點實驗室; 北京市懷柔區(qū)寶山鎮(zhèn)種植業(yè)合作社;
【摘要】 以北京市懷柔區(qū)寶山鎮(zhèn)野生墨汁鬼傘(Coprinus atramentarius)為試驗材料,對其母種、原種培養(yǎng)基配方進行優(yōu)化篩選,并采用不同栽培方式研究了野生墨汁鬼傘人工馴化的培養(yǎng)條件。結果表明:實驗范圍內供試菌株的菌絲體生長最適碳源為葡萄糖+玉米淀粉,最適氮源是蛋白胨,最適pH值為9。培養(yǎng)料配方以棉籽殼、麩皮、玉米粉、石灰、鋸末、石膏的配方最好,出菇以菌棒立栽覆土效果最好,覆土后55d現菇蕾,3~5d可采收。第一潮出菇生物學效率可達40%左右,條件適宜可出3~4潮菇。
【Abstract】 A pure culture of Coprinus atramentarius was isolated from fruit bodies collected in the Huairou District of Beijing.C.artamentarius mycelium grew well on a medium,adjusted to pH 9.0,consisting of glucose(10 g/L) and corn flour(10 g/L) as the carbon sources,and peptone(3 g/L) as the nitrogen source.Highest biological efficiency values(based on the first flush of fruit bodies) were recorded when the mushroom was grown on a substrate consisting of 70% cottonseed hulls,18% wheat bran,5% corn flour,...
【關鍵詞】 墨汁鬼傘; 母種培養(yǎng)基; 原種配方; 馴化栽培;
【Key words】 Coprinus atramentarius; cultivation conditions; casing methods;
【基金】 北京市市屬高校重點實驗室開放研究課題“懷柔野生柳蘑生物學特性與人工馴化研究”(編號:KF2010-001);北京市屬高等學校人才強教計劃資助項目“蔬菜優(yōu)質安全生產理論與技術體系創(chuàng)新研究”(編號:PHR200907136)的部分研究內容