【作者】 陳永敢; 陳光宙; 袁學軍; 陳忠蔭; 林應耀; 林熾賢;
【Author】 CHEN Yong-gan,CHEN Guang-zhou,YUAN Xue-jun,CHEN Zhong-yin,LIN Ying-yao,LIN Zhi-xian(College of Bioscience and technology,Qiongzhou University,Sanya Hainan 572022)
【機構】 瓊州學院生物科學與技術學院;
【摘要】 靈芝是一類具有較高藥用價值的腐生型真菌。本研究選取4株靈芝真菌,進行人工制種,并測定其不同階段的多糖含量。結果表明,Ganoderma atrum Hz2、Ganoderma lucidum Hz5、Ganoderma sinense Hz1三株靈芝真菌在制種過程中多糖含量呈遞減的趨勢,而菌株Ganoderma neojaponicum Wzs1二級種在制種過程中多糖含量最多為1.75%;4株菌株中Hz2制種完成后多糖含量最大為0.88%。以上結果反應了靈芝多糖的含量隨著制種的進行而逐漸減少,此外黑芝Ganoderma atrum的人工栽培品種相比其它3種靈芝具有較高的藥用價值。
【Abstract】 Ganoderma spp.was a kind of saprophytic fungi with high medicinal value.Four fungal strains were selected for artificial culture and polysaccharide content survey in the different stages.The results showed that content of polysaccharides was decreasing during the process of artificial culture,and Ganoderma neojaponicum Wzs1 contained most polysaccharides in the second stage with 1.75%.After the artificial culture,Ganoderma atrum Hz2 contained a maximum of 0.88% polysaccharides among 4 strains.Th...
【關鍵詞】 靈芝; 多糖; 制種;
【Key words】 Ganoderma spp.; Polysaccharides; Culture;
【基金】 瓊州學院博士啟動基金(QYXB201111)