宋愛榮; 郭立忠; 劉作亭; 畢建水
山東萊陽農學院植保系; 棲霞農業(yè)局; 萊陽市農業(yè)局
【中文摘要】 本文研究了七個白色金針菇雜交菌株在液體深層發(fā)酵過程中的濾紙纖維素酶、漆酶、酸性蛋白酶、多酚氧化酶的活性。結果表明,七個白色金針菇菌株中,6號菌株的漆酶、多酚氧化酶、纖維素酶均高于其它6個菌株,而就蛋白酶的活性而言,6號菌株明顯低于對照菌株7號。
【英文摘要】 The article studied the activation of cellulase,laccase,protease,polyphenol oxidase during the liquid deeper fermented course of seven hybrid strain of white Flammulina velutipes.The result indicates that the activation of laccase polyphenol oxidase cellulase of No.6 strain are all higher than other six strains.However,the protease's activation is obviously lower than its compared No.7 strain.
【中文關鍵詞】 金針菇; 液體發(fā)酵; 胞外酶
【英文關鍵詞】 Flammulina velutipes; Liquid fermention; Extracellular enzyme
【文獻出處】 中國食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,編輯部郵箱,1999年04期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1999-04-019