李建英; 喬清艷; 楊致玲
【中文摘要】 玉米在我國尤其是在北方種植面積大,玉米稈資源豐富,利用其栽培金針菇不但能變廢為寶,減少環(huán)境污染,而且能緩解棉籽殼的緊缺。經過兩年玉米稈熟料袋栽試驗,獲得了滿意的結果,生物效率高達173.32%,比以往用棉籽殼、玉米芯、鋸木屑等為原料栽培金針菇效果均好,這是代料栽培金針菇的新突破,在廣大農村特別在北方農村具有推廣價值。
【英文摘要】 There are plenty of resources of corn stalk because of the corn being widelyplanted in China especially in the north of China. It can be used in cultivating theFlammulina velulipes. Using corn stalk to grow edible fungi can not only change waste ma-terial into things of value,decrcase the environmental pollution, but also lessen the shortageof cottonseed hull.Through two-year trial of cultivation with corn stalk in plastic sacks,the result is satisfactory and the biological value was up to 173.32%,It was better thanthe materials such as cottonseed hull, corn-cob, sawdust etc.,This is a breakthrough incultivating Flammulina velulipes with such substrate,It is worth to spread,this methodin the country,esp,in the north of China.
【中文關鍵詞】 玉米稈; 金針菇; 高產技術
【英文關鍵詞】 corn-cob; Flammulina velulipes; high-yield cultivation
【文獻出處】 中國食用菌,EDIBLE FUNGI OF CHINA,編輯部郵箱,1995年05期 【DOI】CNKI:SUN:ZSYJ.0.1995-05-016